
Showing posts from July, 2018

His Breathe

In the natural there is a connection between breathing and living. What happens if we take in His breathe? How can one even do that? When I think of the power that results from the simple presence of oxygen - LIFE. How much greater would it be to have his power flowing through us. Breathing his breathe and allowing him to penetrate every cell of our being. Every aspect of our lives. All the way down to the nitty gritty. That's awesome and scary. I mean we are talking about God here. Almighty and powerful. To think of his power penetrating my being. Mind blowing. Vulnerability. I mean if He is truly part of my being and I'm taking that in then that means impurities and toxins have to leave. Like the carbon dioxide we exhale in the natural. Think on that for a bit. And while you're contemplating that, let's add this thought - without Him we are spiritually dead.  So if we are alive in him, then that means he is already there. Already part of us. Empowering us

Just Breathe

Breathing. We do it without thinking. And yet, if we stop, life stops. Ok - so breathing is important. But what is happening really - on a cellular level. Why does life stop if we don't get breath. How are these interconnected? You're most likely aware that breathing is essentially a gas exchange. Oxygen in, carbon dioxide out. What happens to the oxygen we breath in? Why is this one element so vital for life? Riveting questions I know. hahaha. Bio-nerd alert... The pathway oxygen takes starts in your respiratory system. Think lungs. But it is interconnected with your circulatory system. Think heart. This is key. Because of what happens to that oxygen - the pathway it takes - it is integral to life as we know it. The oxygenated blood that leaves your heart goes to every part of your body. Every. Single. Cell. So? Well, what is happening in those cells? Work. All the time. 24/7. When you are directly participating in the activity and when you aren't aw

His Breath

His breath. In our lungs. What does that mean? Why do we sing it? My brain asks questions and then attempts to answer said questions. Which sometimes leads to more questions. Like a cycle. Can I say questions again? Question - Analyze - Hypothesize - Repeat. In the midst of that cycle, one of the best ways I am able to process is when I write. Time to blog again? Apparently so...